JOLLY B10 e H30

The Jolly H30 and B10 are modular metal ceilings with square or rectangular cells.

The Jolly models provide a particular sense of lightness and modularity given by the supporting structure of the system.

It’s appreciable especially when is installed on large surfaces becouse it draws a real metal ceiling pattern.
Unlike the Jolly H30, Jolly B10 has in addition a perimeter profile that allows to hide the structure.

Jolly is ideal for: hiding ventilation systems, shielding lighting devices, making lifts for lifts, vertical and decorative installations.

Panel module

-Mod. Jolly H30 e B10:
595 x 595 mm


25 x 25 mm
30 x 30 mm
37.5 x 37.5 mm
50 x 50 mm
60 x 60 mm
75 x 75 mm
86 x 86 mm
100 x 100 mm
120 x 120 mm
150 x 150 mm
200 x 200 mm

Material e Colour

-Coil coated Aluminum: RAL 9003, 9006
(custom RAL on request)

Acoustic absorption

Black TNT